Elas andam aí… / they´re out there somewhere…

danieloliveira - 2006/04/06

Eram uma vez três moedas, mais precisamente "geocoins" que chegaram a Portugal….

Ok, that´s enough portuguese for one day. Let´s switch to English so the world at large can also read this.

The story goes like this:
Once upon a time, there were three geocoins that arrived in my post box….
In fact, the story goes back a couple of weeks when I received an e-mail from a Finnish geocacher asking me if I would be willing to place some geocoins in some portuguese caches. The portuguese cachers, being the friendliest of beings, myself included, immediately agreed and the dice were thrown to start a chain of events that is now nearing its end.
The initial contact was made by contact team Fundamental and Venlis who have AN IMPRESSIVE array of "trackables". Yeah! Eat your heart out PT cachers!

They sent three coins with very specific instructions: "To travel around the world. This is part of the Grand Experiment to set geocoins to caches around the world. Please do not keep this coin! Please place it to another cache. This coin don´t want to take part of events. Thanks!"

The coins that arrived are:
1- Grand Experiment #19 – Portugal, which is a buffalo wings 2006 geocoin.
2- Grand Experiment #20 – Portugal, which is a Scotish geocoin.
3- Grand Experiment #21 – Portugal, which has a very nice Ghecko saying "cache me – if you can- Rokop".

I am pleased to announce that the first of these geocoins has now been set free in Portugal. Coin Grand Experiment #21 – Portugal was released today and what a sticky ghecko it turned out to be!
My initial thought was to release it in the south of the country and the new cache by Geo_Drake near Serpa seemed like the optimum location. The location is perfect for the Ghecko: Lots of sunshine, high summer temperatures reaching mid 40´s ºC in summer, BEAUTIFULL LOCATION, etc. However, the cache is  too small to hold any travel bugs and geocoins are not an exception. So after almost 300 km of travel, the Ghecko had to travel somewhere else!
A "small" detour (another 200 + km) was made to Costa da Caparica and the Ghecko now resides in the Mata Nacional dos Medos cache by HDV and Pipl.
I was curious to revist this cache, because on the first occasion I found it without the coordinates after some complicated mathematics, but now I can confirm that point 1 does indeed hold a  clue on the final set of coordinates.

Getting back to the coins. I still have two in my possesion which will soon be placed in other caches. So be on the lookout for them and keep them moving through Portugal.

5 responses so far ↓

  • 1 danieloliveira // Apr 7, 2006 at 15:04

    Buffalo Wings…has been dropped in Olelas.

  • 2 bargao_henriques // Apr 7, 2006 at 16:36

    Foi deixado em Santa Eufémia 😀
    (depois de uma curta passagem por Olelas, é verdade…)

  • 3 danieloliveira // Apr 9, 2006 at 12:20

    All the coins are now in circulation. The last one has been left near the Expo site in the G-Spot.
    Have fun moving them around….:)

  • 4 danieloliveira // Apr 9, 2006 at 20:59

    E agora para rematar esta história:
    Os cachers Finlândeses gostaram tanto do tratamento VIP que dei às suas moedas que me disseram que já vinham mais a caminho. Quais? Não sei! Mas brevemente aparecerão mais notícias….:)

  • 5 BrunoNF // Apr 17, 2006 at 23:22

    Eu n consegui resistir e na hora de almoço fiz um "desvio" na ida para o trabalho e tive de ir buscar a Scotland Geocoin à Linhas de Torres – Forte da Feira.
    É linda.

    Bruno Franco

    P.S.: as outras q me esperem 🙂

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