Dia 14/04/07

Silvana - 2007/01/23

Andava en a "passear" pela página oficial do Geocaching quando descobri o seguinte artigo:
Let’s clean up our playing fields! Cache In Trash Out is an activity intimately tied to geocaching. While out there on a cache hunt, we collect litter along the trails and properly dispose of it. On certain days, we also participate in much larger clean-up events that involve and benefit the larger community.

Groundspeak is again sponsoring International Cache In Trash Out Day. For 2007, our fifth annual event, it will be on Saturday, April 14. Together, we make an enormous positive impact with just a little joint effort.

Cache In Trash Out Day is an opportunity for geocachers to help clean up the parks and other cache-friendly places throughout the world. Through our volunteer efforts, we help preserve the natural beauty of our outdoor resources.

Não sei se esta iniciativa irá adiante em Portugal. Mas acho-a interessante!…

Silvana & Co

1 response so far ↓

  • 1 MAntunes // Jan 23, 2007 at 19:30

    …de já termos tido 3 CITOs em Portugal;





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